Rev. Enoch Fuzz Commentary: Vote Against the Transit Tax Plan May 1

by Rev. Enoch Fuzz

As we try to inform voters about how wrong this transit tax plan is for Nashville, we encounter again and again how almost impossible it is to oppose Metro and whatever Metro does.

Many people I know, including those who volunteer with our group Better Transit for Nashville, cannot exercise their freedom of speech and have to remain private and behind the scenes because of fear that speaking out may hurt them in their job and career. They might work for Metro, the state, Vandy, in health care, some corporate business, or a job related to those same places, and they cannot speak what they believe: that this transit plan is very bad for our city.

It’s a shame.

The opposition message stays more quiet than it really is. Politicians don’t know if this plan will even work to help traffic or transit. The worst thing is that the plan will take funding from the vital programs that need it, such as health care, housing, schools, fire, police and many others.

Join a local group like Better Transit to get involved and learn more.

Vote against the transit tax plan May 1.






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